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Councillor Vacancies

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Notice of Vacancies

Great Blakenham Parish Council has three vacancies for Councillors.

Application should be made to the Clerk to the Council by email to pc@greatblakenham.suffolk.gov.uk.

Applicants should note that you will be requested to attend meetings on the second Thursday of every month (except August and December). There may also be occasional extra meetings. The main duty will be to represent the electorate of the parish of Great Blakenham and raise and discuss those issues of interest and concern that the Parish Council are empowered to act upon.

Applicants should note that the membership of the council is open to electors who are citizens of the UK, EU or Commonwealth and:
Whose residence is in the parish of Great Blakenham or within 3 miles, or
Whose principle workplace is within the parish of Great Blakenham, and
Who is not disqualified (by reason of a criminal record, bankruptcy or involvement in corrupt practices).

For more information please email the Clerk or call 0750883077