Helping You, Helping the Village
Great Blakenham Parish Council is part of the first tier of local government. Parish Councils play a vital role in representing the interests of the communities they serve and improving the quality of life and the local environment. They work to influence decision makers in the higher tiers of local governement. In Great Blakenham's case, the higher tiers are Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Council and Suffolk County Council. They deliver services such as education, housing, town and country planning, transport roads, envirinmental health and social services. On the left of this page you will find folders containing links to report problems with such things as roads and street lighting.
Babergh and MidSuffolk District Council
Councillor for Great Blakenham
Adrienne Marriott
Suffolk County Council
Chris Chambers
07545 423808
Local MP
Patrick Spencer - Conservative
Parliamentary Office - House Of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA
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